Friday, September 14, 2012

Tuition - Necessity vs Need vs Want

Tuition is a not necessaity
A teacher should be one that makes himself progressively unnecessary to their students by empowering them with the proper thinking tools and techniques.  Many of our past PSLE students told us that they are performing well independently in secondary Math as the techniques taught by our teachers remained applicable and useful.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."

Students attend weekly lessons at our centre to learn and apply the appropriate technique or approach to effectively work out the solution for particular question type.  Our stand is that Scharff-VIP supplement the school curriculum and aim to value-add to the student learning experience.  

When students grumbled about challenging questions during lessons, our teachers have to remind them that those were either actual or adapted questions from school papers. We will take the lead from schools on the type of questions to expose our students to.  We look forward to the changes by MOE and will customize our programme to the changing needs of the students.

Standing Firm Against Unreasonable Demands

Thank you Education Minister Heng for standing up for teachers! 

Educators, in public institutions or in private schools, who are passionate about their profession, enjoy inspiring and teaching students.  They will be more than happy to work with understanding parents.

We thank the parents who have been supportive in our goal to achieve the positive difference in their children's learning journey.  :)

"It takes a village to raise a child."

Monday, September 3, 2012


Who's responsible for learning?

This is a question and the obvious answer is one that our students are all too familiar with.  The teachers are responsible for teaching, while the students are responsible for learning.  It is easy to refuse responsibility by giving excuses.

Good Will Hunting

Helping students with questions from beyond our centre is out of goodwill. Our teachers have been helpful to reasonable students who understand that. But parents who made such special requests to our teachers at the start of the lesson and demanded the answers at the end of the lesson, may not realized that they cornered our teachers in a spot. Our teachers' priority is the planned curriculum and their focus is on helping students learn, understand and apply the concept taught during lesson. Such special requests for help would rob classroom time away from all students in class.